
Peacemaker Peter


     "Peacemaker Peter" tells the story of a young, ambitious toy-maker named Oliver Witz who works in a toy factory owned by a stern man, the Colonel. The factory produces the Colonel's main pride, the "Mighty Chief", for the purpose of war propaganda to children. However, Oliver finds the Colonel's plans are a little extreme and believes that toys are meant to be a child’s best companion throughout their childhood.

     One day, the Colonel catches Oliver playing with his toys and rebukes him for not paying attention. Oliver tries to convince the Colonel about his new toy design, "Peacemaker Peter". Nevertheless, the Colonel refuses and turns Oliver down, leaving him hopeless. What Oliver did not expect soon after are the words of the Colonel’s little son, Louie. Pumped with determination, Oliver decides to make his dream a reality. However, as soon as Oliver began his carry out his plan, the Colonel steps in and tries to stop him. A thrilling chase ensues between them as Peacemaker Peter neared its final destination. Will Oliver make his dreams come true before its too late?

Story Concept

"Change" is simply defined as "the process of transformation into something that is different from what it used to be."  

From the theme "change", our chosen story concept is "a change which breaks down a systematic nature from its comfort zone to achieve something greater."

Voice Cast

Azman Zulkiply as Oliver and the Colonel
Maryah Rahmat as Louie


5 minutes 20 seconds.

Target Audience

14-16 year old teen-aged boys.